Shaman (Palliative)


Logically decided treatment refers to the usage of specific medicines along with dietary regimens to counter the negative qualities evidenced by the disease. It is based upon logic and experience and reflects the Ayurvedic model for understanding the workings of natural forces in the body. Most Ayurvedic medical practice today falls within this field and it is specific to problems with a clearly defined physical origin and pathology. It generally consists of prescribing diet, herbs exercise and lifestyle recommendations contrary to the doshik nature of the disease.

It is based on Herbomineral Drugs and Panchkarma. These are used after the diagnosis of root cause of disease.

Jivak Ayurveda diagnosis is based on the classical ayurvedic diagnostic parameters like Dashvidh & Ashtavidh pariksha (Praktiti, Vikriti, Saar, Sanghnan, Nadi etc.)

In the beginning a detailed step by step process of diagnosis is followed & a detailed proforma of diagnosis is filled up to rate out the Vikriti (The root cause of the disease). This activity is known as Samprapti. After this the process of Panchkarma is carried out & followed by Ras-Rasayan or herbal medicines. Our medications are subjective for every patient, which depends upon Prakriti, Vikriti, Dosha, Dhatu etc.

Shaman (Palliative)

Ras-Rasayan Therapy

Ras-Rasayan means metals like gold, silver, copper, zinc, bronze, iron etc. Gems like diamond, ruby, pearl etc are also used in the form of ashes for the preparation of medicines.

Shodhan (Purification)


Panchakarma is a set of five therapies designed mainly for cleansing the body of toxins. Ayurveda considers that the purification of the body is important before the commencement of any other therapy.  Panchkarma is total detoxification and purification process of each and every cell of the body. Before Panchkarma, there is Purvakarma i.e. preparation for the main therapy (Panchkarma). It has two procedures first is Snehana(Oleation) and second is Swedana (Fomentation). This dilutes the dosha at Shakhas (extremities at cell level) and accumulates them in Koshtha(alimentary Canal). After completion of Purvakarma, main Panchkarma starts. Through this procedure all the accumulated doshas are eliminated from the alimentary canal and purifies and detoxifies each and every cell of the body.

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    What Patients Say

    Dear Mr. T K Srivastava,

    This is to thank you and the entire team at Jivak Ayurveda for the care taken towards my mother during her pain cancer.

    She is now back home.

    Dr. Tiwari and his entire team was exceptional in assisting her recovery in every possible way without which her turnaround would have perhaps been difficult.

    I must also bring to your notice that your hospital has an outstanding nursing team. Even in the crisis, the team kept my mother smiling. Do convey my personal gratitude to a… Read more

    Thanks "Jivak" to give me a new hope of Life


    First Floor, Nidhi Complex, Sec-2, Vikas Nagar, Lucknow-226022